· By Victor Garcia
Mexican snacks shop shares 2020 story
Was 2020 the year of COVID for you? Will it define this last year in your eyes?
Honestly, COVID was a wake up call for us all. As an entrepreneur, you expect unforeseeable challenges that force the business to pivot. It's probably one of the most exciting parts. COVID brought an entirely different level of uncertainty. You didn’t know when they may shut restaurants down, how long it would all last, or if one of our team members would get infected. Never mind the worries of providing for your family and their health.
Was 2020 the year that humbled you? Did you feel secure only to see a future you imagined fall to pieces? That was us. We invested heavily early in the year expecting to kick off our busy season in March strong. As the pandemic hit and sales dropped to all time lows, we weren’t sure if we’d be able to pay our bills.
Was 2020 the year that forced you to finally take that risk or do that thing you’ve thought about for so long? It was for us. We moved locations, rebranded and expanded our e-commerce store. Three big challenges with no guarantee. We now have a better location with a drive-thru, and our customers can reach us in safer, more convenient ways.
Did losing something or worse, someone, wake you up to realize how much you care about what and who you already have in life? Did it make you think less about what you don’t have? Or maybe for you it was just the fear of loss. We didn’t hit our 2020 financial goals, but we didn’t close down. Every one of our team members was able to keep their job and stay healthy. We are blessed because we know this wasn’t the case for so many.
2020 wasn’t the year we imagined, but it was one of adapting, expansion, and gratitude. Whatever loses or new beginnings came for you in 2020, thank you all for your continued support. We wouldn’t have made it without you. We are going to continue to struggle, fight, and persevere right along with you in 2021 - so if nothing else, you can count on a little Mexican snack shop for comfort.
Feliz ano nuevo, familia.